Interested in making one of the lovely sewing machine totes and cases that are all the rage on line? They come in a variety of styles, but all look great in plain black with vintage decal designs stitched in gold! My thanks to everyone who sent photos of their gorgeous projects! It's so nice to see the designs come to life on all these lovely accessories.
Find all manner of decals at this link, or grab the same set that most of these stitchers used for their projects. On that same page, you'll also find links to on-line sources for patterns and instructions.
Sofka sent links to her blog showing photos of her absolutely gorgeous Featherweight case and mat, which she made using my Featherweight designs. The gold motifs really do look lovely on the traditional black, and the arrangement is flawless. What stunning work.
Best of all, Sofka has generously provided exactdetails of how she measured and constructed her cover and
mat. The text is in German but the photos are nearly self-explanatory, and if you wish, you can use an on-line translator to render the text into English.
Find full details on her blog. (It will open in a new page, so you won't lose this page).
Thank you so much, Sofka, for sharing your beautiful work.
Adrienne M. Sent this photo of the beautiful case she made using my "Heart-Arms Featherweight" design. Her local embroidery shop created the case pattern, and Adrienne sewed the case and added the design to the front.
I love the sewing-themed fabric -- it complements the design perfectly.
Judy H. sent new photos of her Featherweight case cover, which turned out just beautifully!
She used the FW Corner (Fancy) design, rotated and repeated to nicely frame the personalization. It's a great effect.
And I love the way she's used the border design on the top of the pocket -- what a nifty detail.
The case cover is lovely and personal, and Judy has done such a nice job of lining up those corners. It's really gorgeous -- a perfect complement to her Featherweight.
Pam T. and her friends are fans of the 301 -- the Big Sister to the Featherweight, and the only other machine to use the 221 bobbin system. I'm with them: it's light and portable, and its built-in handle makes it easy to carry to classes.
Pam sent in these pics of the gorgeous accessory bags she made for their machines, stitching different models for each using the 301 fill designs from here.
<--- The bags are backed with this fantastic print of vintage sewing machines -- a nice touch.
These roomy and beautiful bags are a treasure for sure and very handy to take along with the portable 301 if you're heading to a class.
Thanks so much for sharing your lovely handiwork, Pam!
Wow! Just look at the beautiful work on these case covers, sent in by Iris S.
I can hardly think of the right superlatives -- they are just so stunning.
I love the little glimpses you get of other people's sewing areas in photos like these. Look at all those scissors . . . and we all know my passion for scissors!
Evelyn H. reports that she's having fun with the various decal designs from the site. She just shared this photo of the beautiful case cover she made for her Featherweight machine.
The combination of the Singer print fabric with the embroidered base of black makes a very striking effect. It's always fun to have fabric that matches so well to the embroidered elements!
This beautiful tote will help keep her machine case protected, and the sturdy webbed handles make it super easy to carry.
Look at this stunning accessory set that Darlene M made for one of her many Featherweights! I love the black corners and the black and white badge on the hot pink fabric. What a beautiful job!
Darlene reports that she's making similar sets for her other Featherweights, and sent along this dazzling shot of her orchid-coloured machine -- painted for her by her husband! The mat and accessories are coordinated exactly to the shade of the machine. Gorgeous!
Rogene made these beautiful cases and accessories for her many Featherweights.
She reports that she achieved a more "open" look by stitching only selected portions of the badge design. I very much like the effect.
All these interior pockets are sure to come in handy! The Featherweight fabric is a bonus too.
What a lot of work -- but a lovely addition to her collection of machines.
Sandra E. sent these pictures of the gorgeous accessories she made for her Featherweight. Aren't they just wonderful? I really like her use of the Heart-Arms design on the front of the case cover.
This pincushion stand is super cute too -- the first one I've seen made with the designs from the site. What a lovely addition to a Featherweight sewing room!
Here are two absolutely gorgeous totes created by Nancy B.
What a wonderful combination of prints with the classic badges. I love them both, but am rather partial to the sewing-themed print.
The workmanship here is just beautiful.
Paula P has been very creative in using the Featherweight-related designs. The accessory case on the right was stitched with gold metallic thread using the FW Redwork design. And I love the little folding tray made with the Heart-Hands FW design.
Seeing all these beautiful creations makes me feel I should be getting away from the computer and into the sewing room.
This lovely slipcover is just one of the many made by Andrea S.
What a perfect fit, and the end pocket is such a nifty idea!
Cheryl's tote is a lovely way to carry a Featherweight along to classes or on holiday. The two-way zipper makes it easy to insert and remove the case. Plus, it's just really pretty.
Sylvia made this pretty tote. It's hard to argue with the gold-on-black combination, and I really like the way she's used the bed decal motif in combination with the script lettering.
Very nice indeed.